
conundrum resolved: why mainstream things are in such poor taste and why that’s ok

I have been angry for like a year or maybe longer (but concentrated anger for a year) because I felt like people were liking things that were essentially not even just mediocre but poor in quality and which had bad energy

The books which were acclaimed were poorly written for the most part both on the sentence level and on the meanings level and it made me angry, I mean, do we not have anything better than that? Is this the pinnacle of what man has been able to understand and transmit through words?

And then I realized tonight that I am special.

That books that sell are books that sell and that they sell because there is a marketing strategy and the intention behind those books is to sell them and so like any other product of capitalistic materialism, these books are essentially devoid of meaning but sell a sort of pompous pretentious ego fulfilling pride. They make you feel sophisticated. Sometimes they merely entertain you or allow you to play out some of your childish fantasies.

And if these books seem below standard for me then I shouldn’t be mad because at this point I should be used to the way that capitalism works and instead I should feel more grounded in my mission to do good things (which is to say things which spread overall joy and happiness to people and other beings) and to write and to channel wisdoms and that it should feel like (1) it’s not that hard to do since the bar is set so low and (2) it must be done because it is not being done

Why should spirituality only exist in the spirituality aisle? Sold by people who are greedy for money? Why can’t we tell stories essentially steeped in holy vibrations and sell those in the fiction section?

Why is it ok that we use this powerful tool of imagination to perpetuate even more suffering even in our own time, through a combination of tedious pretentious sentences and bad vibe from authors who are all about their own income and fame? Why are we letting our imaginations rest in the hands of these irresponsible people?

I think it’s time I do something. And I’m growing confidence everyday that I can do it and that I must do it and that I have been given the opportunity to do it. I must write stories which uplift.