
how to choose books — a test

How to eliminate shit books

Wait why do we want to eliminate books? You ask. Aren’t all books good because they’re books? I mean yeah 50 shades isn’t good but isn’t Virginia Woolf good ?

Think again! I think in many respects it may be better to read 50 shades (you will see why) because it’s simply not as toxic

We wash our fruits before eating them so think of this technique I’m about to teach you as a cleansing technique for your reads

(you’d be surprised what is shit! It’s like the Bechdel test for books)

Step (1) search the authors name followed by the word “quotes GoodReads” and follow that link

(why GoodReads? Because the quotes are sorted by votes. So these are not just some random things but things that people like about the authors — a fair chance! There are wonderful things which can escape your GoodReads quote detection but here we are only looking for obvious bad signs so we can eliminate stuff. Don’t give up on a book just because the quotes seem meh since maybe the magic happens on a higher level of organization, but do throw that book away immediately if it has the following signs of rotting):






Just talking about this annoys me lol

But this selection process is very important for filtering out shit

It’s better to read some cheesy romance than to read that shit

And you’d be surprised what isn’t shit. Like Lolita sounds sketch af but is wonderful

Then a personal pet peeve is just like, using too many anthropomorphic metaphors. Like “the sun reached out with its golden phalanges, pierced its sharp light through the clouds to force upon us the burden of sight” or whatever like acting like things have human intentions and anatomy (this is a double no no due to making something bad out of something inherently neutral or beneficial)

And magical thinking that isn’t fun or whimsical but that can lead to some self induced problems such as a statement like “and that’s the thing about phobias. Once you get rid of one another automatically replaces it with two times the potency”

Why are all of the above so damn common in literature? Because writing is turning into a contest about who’s more special and weird? So then going the opposite way would be the coolest thing then. Be positive.