
humbert humbert

How much of linguistic genius is just genius per se? I mean how much of it just comes down to having interesting thoughts? The arrangement of the words follow the thoughts. It’s the thoughts that are genius. But maybe people say linguistic genius because they want to turn the thing into a craft they can master. Which they can’t. Because genius is there or it’s not. It can be brought forth and freed with reading though. By meddling with a certain energy, you make yourself into that type of energy. That is, if you have the genes for it. Destiny. Some people just do and others…

Humbert humbert is like a Hitchcock movie where you want the murderer to win because the murderer is so much more interesting than the whole cast

Humbert humbert deserves to have this little child the way he wants because he’s funny. Isn’t that what it comes down to? That he’s a very funny man. He makes you laugh. So it makes everything he does ok.

But more than that, you look forward to seeing his antics because he’s not normal. Which means he’s going to do something which will surprise you.

And goddamn it we want to be entertained!

Humbert humbert is also very charming

He’s the type of guy who ends up in prison for serial killing and girls write love letters to him, asking him to marry them.

That’s the type he is.

I do wonder what I’m so mad at Sebastian for

Then I remembered, reading Lolita, about a certain single mother I had met in Charlotte that country bumpkin tarnish on my pure virgin list of the who’s who of the world’s most glamorous cities.

How I had mentioned that I find single mothers rather desperate, how they scramble for men — but who would want used goods? And a baggage of another man’s child, at that. No thanks!

And how he disagreed, that there are men out there willing to be in relationships with such women

Ew, I thought, is that a possibility you could foresee in yourself? Is that what your bumpkin town has raised you to believe as proper behavior? You Swiss with your hypocritical supercilious attitude against all social disgraces, you find this type of thing not even a little embarrassing?

No apparently not.

And what upset me most recently was that he saw no issue with that receptionist with tattoos all over her body, an indiscriminate wall of graffiti from anyone who wants to mark it, incoherent messages and aesthetics and — oh am I sounding a bit like a Bünzli Swiss woman right now? — how she displays her borderline personality disorder for the world to see and,

Not that there’s anything wrong with the disorder, per se, but her display of it…and how he doesn’t seem to find any issue with it…it has led me to believe that this is a person without discernment, without taste

And it’s very insulting to be with such a person

He reflects poorly on me.