
most romantic // Germanic charms

The most romantic thing I’ve ever experienced: Matt waiting for me in the rain

The most romantic thing I’ve ever heard of: quantum entanglement

The most romantic thing I’ve never done: playing the Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit duet on the piano with an important soulmate (I want him to let me take the treble)

Also tbh I think Yuja Wang plays Rachmaninov better than Rachmaninov (prelude in g minor)

I want someone to do me better than I do myself too.

Irina is such a German girl. I can’t tell you how I know it because really I’ve only had contact with Swiss German people but

She really wanted to pay us back for the carpool but we didn’t want any money so she went to the store and searched for ages for kale chips (because I was eating them earlier and I kept saying they’re so good) and she took a bit of fern and a flower bud and put them on top of the packs of kale chips with a rubber band

The presentation was gorgeous in that elegant natural German way

Oh it’s just so thoughtful

Gestures like that make a person feel so uplifted

Why are the French supposedly the knowers of romance and charm when they’ve literally never done anything so wholesome and sweet? I feel there is something very Beethoven and Bach about the German culture, which is to say that they are a passionate people with a clean, pious upbringing. There is something pure and wholesome about them. And their efficacy and competence and cleanliness are extremely attractive

To think of, I am utterly embarrassed having been attracted to Luca who is such an uncultured wannabe.

He pretends to be cultured. Saying he likes African beats because he prefers the complexity of their syncopated music. The way he said it I felt immediately that he didn’t know what he was talking about and that he didn’t enjoy the music he pretended to prefer. That he was aiming to impress by saying something he heard and or worse, assumed.

His lack of ease with the German language (how he talks in clichés) when I am the one who should be at unease (but I can readily create new metaphors and sentences), his inability to process thoughts logically if those thoughts contain elements which he has been taught to discredit.

All of that was extremely disgusting to me and I look down on him and I feel disgusted at myself for having found him sexy in any capacity.

It’s funny how I felt right at home with the elite Freedivers but I always felt there was something off about the sailing world. I think tbh that the sailing world is mostly made up of blue collar workers or at least people who can easily adopt that blue collar mindset. The people who feel at home at Home Depot and who want to do home improvement projects. Car mechanics and plumbers. People who get off on talking about gear parts and scrubbing shit.

They exist on a material plane and have never wondered about anything.

Freedivers have a certain minimalistic elegance and class. They’re monk athletes. They’re beautiful, the lines they carve in the water with their body, because they are in tune with the laws of physics and understand that nothing short of absolute beauty will do, because this line of absolute perfection is the most efficient path through, the path which saves the most oxygen. It’s as though they are monks and ballerinas dancing through the water, and the test of their skill is in plain sight. The water reveals the truth of how well they did preparing themselves mentally and controlling their physics

They treat their bodies like temples. Whereas sailors treat their bodies like absolute trash dumps, walking less than the most sedentary of Americans and drinking as a hobby.

I’m starting to understand what just happened recently.